Friday, March 13, 2020

How Stupid Myths Start

Some decently intentioned person on reddit/greyhounds decided to advise a potential adopter about getting a retired racer, then posted this ridiculous falsehood on 3.13.20:

This is complete crap. There is no bone structure difference or feature that prevents Greyhounds from sitting or from learning to sit like any other large sighthound or large dog does. If there were, wouldn't some scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals have noted this? By the way, Greyhounds are NOT exempt from sitting for the AKC Canine Good Citizen test (read it in the CGC evaluator's rule book!!!) or exempted from sits in Rally, Obedience, Agility or from any other stays and contacts in dog sports. If your evaluator passed your Greyhound for the CGC without a sit, guess what? They deliberately ignored the evaluator rules.

But this is how crazy myths start, as someone will come along and repeat this same thing to other unknowing people.

Greyhound puppies sit on their own. They are just not reinforced to do it. Why? Because racing Greyhounds in general aren't obedience-trained or trick-trained. Some are and know sit! They exist.  There just isn't a standard list of behaviors they need to pass to move on to the next stage of racing.  

My dog has learned plenty of behaviors for his TKN then forgotten many from not practicing or using them regularly. Some adult Greyhounds sit on their own without prompting or cueing.

I don't know who started the myth. (I don't know who started the myth that Greyhounds can't swim.)

Even my XL male learned a sit for his trick dog titles, but since we stopped practicing it after those, he unlearned the cue. He unlearned a bunch of cues since that time.